Tuesday, September 23, 2014

     When the homemaker is sick, there is no boss to call to take off work. You have to push through it and continue your everyday routine. There is no rest to get yourself back on your feet quickly and your daily chores around the house turn into an out of control mess. You might have an older child or a family member to help, but if you don't, what do you do? Plan! Plan! Plan! You never know when you will get sick, so its good to have a plan.
     I was pregnant with my daughter and I had a son who was 16 months to take care of. Since I was pregnant I couldn't take any medicine that would get rid of my horrible cold quickly. Luckily my family helped a lot. I slept for almost a week. I was so sick that it took all my energy just to take a shower or eat. This left my family with my son and my husband without dinner for an entire week! I vowed to never let this happen again and to have a plan next time.
     There really isn't that much to plan, so it makes it easy! Stock up on what you need. For example, tissues and medicines. When it comes to other things like meal time, you can buy frozen freezer meals at the store or make your own meals and freeze them. The same goes for snacks. Buy pre- packaged ones or cut up some fruit to store in a baggy.
     After you shower, you sometimes feel a little better for a short time. Use this time to fold the laundry or wash some dishes. You don't have to dry the dishes. Just let them air dry and put them away later. Clean dishes on the counter are better then smelly, dirty ones! All of the other things like sweeping, dusting, etc, can wait until you feel better. Just keep up with the everyday things so you don't have an annoying mess after being sick because sometimes we are still tired after the cold. I know I was!
     How do we keep the sickness away? It's never fully possible to accomplish this, but it's better to try then to sit around and wait for it to strike your household!

  •  Take your daily vitamins. 
  • Look for products like Airborne or others like it. It boosts your immune system and are good to take when you have been around sick people. 
  • Always wash your hands after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, touching dirty things in general, before and after repairing food, etc.
  • Change your toothbrush! 
  • Wash covers and pillows on HOT to kill germs. 
  • Disinfect everyday things that get used. ( I use Clorox disinfecting wipes). Example: Remote, light switch, door handles, refrigerator handle, etc.